Uploading the model into the 3d warehouse still gets the message ‘FAILED TO RENDER’ until now, this has happened from November 2021 to July 2022. I’m pretty sure it’s not about computer specifications, internet connection, or anything else. THIS IS BECAUSE THAT 3D WAREHOUSE WEBSITE IS NOT WORKING PROPERLY. THEN WHEN WILL YOU SOLVE THIS UPLOAD PROBLEM, HEY SKETCHUP TEAM??? NEVER ENDING PROBLEMS… ANNOYING !!! VERY BAD !!!
You may be frustrated, but please don’t SHOUT all in CAPITALS.
And yet, thousands of new models have been successfully added to the 3D Warehouse in that same window of time. I wonder what is different in your setup? I know it’s a an ongoing problem, but just curious why it works for some.
Maybe post a file you are trying to upload - the changes are you’ve got something going on inside your file or template specific to you.
creenshot after successful file upload, and waiting... as usual 'sprinkling some magic'. In this part I waited for a very long timeThen the failure always happens like this, but before november 2021 this never happened when I uploaded the file, it always worked. The problem on my computer is that I only upload it to the 3d warehouse, other than that everything works normally. Thank you
I do not know the issue, but sharing the actual link to a model that will not render is more likely a step in the right direction. If you can show the actual file that is causing the problem @TheGuz might be able to find the reason for the issue.
I’ve uploaded a few models recently and have not seen a failure to render although I have seen that once in the past. These are all recent uploads.All rendered within a couple of minutes.
What do you mean by actual link, what is the url Mr. Aaron? This is the url, Al-Akbar Mosque Surabaya | 3D Warehouse.
I hope that you will also be able to overcome the problems that I am facing, because it has been more than half a year since this happened (November 2021 to July 2022), thank you, Mr. Aaron
When I follow the link you provided I saw an image of the mosque. I clicked on the button to view in 3D and got this within 15 or 20 seconds.
It looks like it has worked on yours eventually- the upload there show it.
When I upload the model too, it takes a long time for the rendering message to go.
I just looked and I can see it too… I am not sure what the factors are in generating the preview, but. know that there are times where it can take a while (maybe due to server load or something equally technical sounding?).
I have experienced day long preview generation times in the past, though… I always assume that if the file is up and I can share it, the preview, though nice, is not dire for sharing the file… just my $0.02… not an official response (I really have nothing to do withe 3D warehouse, officially).
Yes, thank you all… I can still do what you guys did, downloading is normal, viewing 3d views is also normal, browsing can also, internet is normal… but the problem is only when uploading, the screen pops up saying ‘sprinkling some magic’ the old one takes time., and at the end it always appears a ‘failed to render’ pop up screen… that’s what keeps happening…
Yes, thanks… I know, other users can do that… I can also do 3d view in a successful model, but this message always appears on my account in that mosque model, it always says ‘failed to render’
Okay, I’m trying to understand and be more patient, Mr. Aaron… Thank you very much
One thing you could try , as it was something I saw in your model.
You have hidden every single edge in the model- rather than simply choosing to not show edges/profiles.
I’m not 100% sure that would cause an issue, but it is something that stood out as a little bit unusual.
All the models I uploaded in 3d warehouse, all with edge hiding and softening edges, and it all worked. is my mosque model with 11mb file and 115000 polygons, too heavy? I don’t think so… maybe it’s an internet server, but why is this happening for half a year
In fact, if a model displays edges and profiles, its file size will increase in size and weight, especially if it is orbiting a 3d view.
The file size will not increase - the edges are still there - just set to be not visible.
I’m simply stating that there are less destructive ways to achieve what you had and I speculated that it might be a reason that this is happening.
Which is counter to the argument of performance as I would expect the server to render it faster without the lines being shown, however that has been achieved.