3D Warehouse: model opening problem

Hi –
I am using SketchUp Pro 2022 on a Windows 10 PC.
I am trying to download a model specifically from the 3D Warehouse website online (i.e. not through the drop-down viewer within SketchUp). Here’s what happens:

I locate the model, click the download arrow (v) to choose the model version (2022), and it downloads onto my computer. Fine so far.

When I then go to open it, it tells me it cannot locate Dropbox on my machine, so cannot open the file. Well, I don’t have drop-box. Is there another way to the open the files downloaded from the 3D Warehouse online…without having to pay for yet another subscription service?

Thanks in advance for any recommendations!

I think I’d look into the settings for downloading stuff in your browser. What browser are you using? When I download from the Warehouse in my browser the file goes into my Downloads folder by default.

Hi Dave – thanks for responding!

The file definitely goes into my downloads folder. But from there, I am unable to launch it. I get the attached dialogue box. So, it appears to indicate I must have Dropbox to open the file. Is that the case? Is there another way to open files that have been downloaded? I am, by the way, using Firefox as my browser. Thanks again! Mel –
3DWarehouse_LaunchIssue.pdf (129.9 KB)

It looks like your browser at least thinks you have a folder called Dropbox/Downloads. The path for the default downloads folder should be C:\Users\Your Username\Downloads.

I got bored looking through the Downloads folder so I set Chrome to ask for every download where to put it.

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Sigh. Thanks, Dave. I called the IT guy and he moved the downloads file to where it should be, and then also changed a setting to make sure that skp files are opened by SketchUp.

Thanks for your input – it looks like things are working!

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That’s a good idea – I’ll have to see if I have that functionality in Firefox. Thanks for the suggestion!