Answer. Upgrade to 2016, it’s cheap.
Alternative best workaround I can come up with:
you can stop and restart SketchUp with 3D Text tool default values. To do so, open Terminal, and see what your defaults are:
defaults read com.sketchup.SketchUp.2015 | grep -A 9 ThreeDText
It should spew something out like
ThreeDText = {
Align = 0;
Bold = 1;
Extruded = 1;
Extrusion = 3;
FaceName = “Times New Roman”;
Filled = 1;
Height = 10;
Italic = 1;
To change the font face to something less aggressively antagonistic than “Times New Roman”, in terminal, do this:
defaults write com.sketchup.SketchUp.2015 ThreeDText -dict-add FaceName “Geneva”
Now Sierra caches core foundation preferences with a daemon, so you must kill the daemon, which will autostart but clears the cache. Do that by typing this in terminal:
killall cfprefsd
Now start SketchUp, and see what the default text is in the 3D Text tool. When you’re done with that and realize your love was really meant for “Times New Roman”, you can quit SketchUp 2015, go back to terminal and switch back to
defaults write com.sketchup.SketchUp.2015 ThreeDText -dict-add FaceName “Times New Roman”
again, killall cfprefsd, and relaunch SketchUp, and your font should be back to “Times New Roman”.
The other text (Screen Text, Leader Text) is drawn from the template, so if you want different text there, you’ll need to have a template with that font specified in it. You can also do it with your template and a hex editor, but that’s a bit trickier.