3d cannot open, HELP! urgent submission

I finished working on my file yesterday and there was no issues. However the file failed to open now. I have tried renaming the .skb to .skp but it still failed to open. Now, i’m not sure what else to do. There was also no previous versions to restore.

Would really appreciate if anyone can help/ Here is the link for the file. sketchup file - Google Drive

There’s a large chunk of missing data in the file. Your profile is unclear but presumably you are using Windows. Did you try opeing the .skb backup? You would need to change the file extension from .skb to .skp first.

Where were you saving the file while working on it? You put in your forum profile that you have a SketchUp Pro subscription. That means you have storage on Trimble Connect. Were you also saving a copy of your file there?

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