When I export 2d image, the left half of the model exports in green. It should be all white. Uploaded is an example. The second upload is a screen shot of how it should looks in all white.
Is green possibly the background color and the style is monochrome, so backs of faces would look like that?
Thanks for the help Cotty. The background color is the gray you see and the style is “Architectural Design Style” I’ve tried different styles and backgrounds, but always comes out the same. One interesting this is on each model I do, the first couple exports come out correct, then the rest error.
Can you share the .skp file so we can have a look and a go at exporting from it?
Just to be clear, I meant the back color of the faces (style setting) and not the background of the model…
miller sum.skp (11.0 MB)
Here’s the model.
Sorry, I was mistaken. The face background is also a gray. I changed it to white, but still the same exports.
It’s odd. There don’t appear to be any materials applied to the model although there are a lot of them In Model even after purging unused.
There are a lot of exposed back faces which you appear to have painted white. That does not correct the face orientation.
You could also stand to clean up the stuff inside the terrain group.
Are your graphics drivers up to date? Check with the Radeon site directly.
Good ideas. I visited the amd site and downloaded the updated software and drivers, did a restart on my computer, and still the same. I also reversed faces, but that didn’t work either. Would it help at all to ininstall all sketchup folder and programs, then re-install?
you can try to change the opengl settings in the preferences and see if it has an influence.
I reversed a few faces and exported a 2D image.
No problem.
I am on Mac OS Monterey.
Good to know Jean. I did some research and found an older extension that automatically reverses/fixes all backward faces, but it is no longer available. Do you know any plugins that can do this? I am unsure which faces are backwards.
If you change the face style to Monochrome, the reversed faces will be shown in blue as in my screen shot.
Even the old plugin would have had problems with getting face orientation correct due to all the internal faces. You really need to clean up the model and get rid of those internal faces and edges. Much of that problem geometry is from working in 2D way too long. If you start with only the outline of the property and extrude that first before adding the features on top of it you’ll find that you have fewer or even no reversed faces or internal faces.
I’ve got this issue also.
My hunch is that its an AMD thing. I’ve had issues with my AMD gpu on lots of apps - AMD are not as good as they should be on their API support, so I’ve heard, and I’m feeling very disgruntled by it.
It occurs seemingly randomly in different parts of 2D exports and has nothing to do with reverse faces or unpurged things. On some projects I have managed to get rid of the artifacting by copying a view point using Eneroth’s view to memory plugin Extension | SketchUp Extension Warehouse onto another version of the model, but I still need to confirm this.
tried it and copying the view to another version of the model does not resolve the issue consistently. As you can see from the export samples here its not every single style that produces the issue either. Hair pulling-ly frustrating. Thanks AMD. sad face
Try going to the Nvidia website and download the latest driver for your GTX970, it may help the situation.
Rather than that I should update my PC specs on this forum
Drivers up to date btw… direct from AMD
Thanks for updating your profile. This is a good example of why that’s helpful.
I’m curious about your choice of graphics card for your new computer. Nvidia GeForce and GTX series cards have generally been the recommended ones for SketchUp for more than a decade. Historically they’ve been the best performers as far as OpenGL support has been concerned. Was there some driving factor that led you to AMD instead?
It was recommended to me by someone I trust. It has been my understanding that AMD are are more powerful for the money paid. I’ve never seen anyone recommend nvidia over amd for sketchup personally
OK, I see.
last pc we built together was my 970, as recommended by him. no particular loyalty towards amd, tho I do like to support the underdog