I’ve updated to 2023. When I save, the file defaults to SU 2021 version. If I try and open from file folder it defaults to SU 2022 version. see below - all created in 2023.
I’ve tried to uninstall old versions but I can’t for some reason - keeps asking me to close SU but it’s not open. I’m not the most tech minded. How can I address this?
Can you take a screenshot fo the entire window? Not clipped to just the dates and file type?
It is possible that your OS is labeling the files as SketchUp 2021, because that was the version installed when it first learned about SKP files. If you needed someone to check, you can always post one of your files here and someone with 2023 can open, or edit the file to verify the version.
Egan Bathroom MASTER.skp (2.0 MB)
However, my SU retailer in the UK recently gave me a trial of SU Studio. I’ve given up the trial now, but I also can’t uninstall the v-ray / chaos files from my machine. You think it’s connected?
Try running the installer for the one you want to be boss again, and use the Run as Admin on the installer file and choose Repair when given the option. And a cold reboot won’t hurt.
Also worth noting… saving to a shared drive rather thna a local folder can cause some serious issues or even cause entire jobs to become unusable. You would be much better off saving to a local working folder, then copying files to your shared folder.
I have had this problem on and off whenever I have more than one version of SketchUp installed. Now, with v.2023 installed, I have two “SketchUp application” instances in my contextual “OpenWith…” menu, and they both point to SketchUp 2022. If I navigate from there to the Program Files folder and select SketchUp from the version 2023 folder, Explorer still persists in trying to open the file in v.2022. And thumbnails don’t work for v.2023 either.
You are quite right @Anssi this has been an ongoing issue for at least 5 versions. Sometimes it needs removal of all others to work, sometimes just a repair and other times a Win Update. It is a frustrating situation and relates to the thumbnail problem too.
Thanks folks - I’ve been able to solve the problem by rebooting my machine, which then allowed me to uninstall 2022 version. I need to speak to my retailer @Box as downloading 2023 seems to keep wanting to download the Studio version (of which I am not licensed, just had a trial) but for now at least, files are defaulting to the right version and opening up in the right version also.
Thanks @TheOnlyAaron - noted on the shared folder recommendation. So far I’ve been very lucky
The download is the download, a couple of people have now pointed out that it may somehow be confusing, but basically it is what it is.
Once you start the installation it gives you the option to choose to install just pro or the added studio features as well.