hello, i see this topic is active on the forum and for the version we are running 2019 in classic license mode is there no solution to fix this other than to upgrade to the newer 2020 version or newer?
My end user was running this software fine for a while and recently the program now fails to start with the license error. Are there any options for a fix? Thank you.
Isn’t that file involved with signing in? I believe the error being seen is a dialog box that appears even before the welcome screen would have shown up. We never did figure out the cause of the problem, and only put in a work around in a SketchUp 2020 update. 2019 was never updated with the same work around.
I looked up your licenses, and see four of them. All four do have a 2020 license available, that you haven’t used. If there isn’t a reason to stay with using 2019, could you update your users to 2020?
One of the licenses is a network one, so that may be a harder one to decide about.
You can get your 2020 license details from this page:
Put in the serial number and the email address associated with that serial number, and you will be shown the 2020 version serial number. Click on the Email My Authorization Code link to receive the full license.
hi colin, i did all that and the info i get via email with my 2020 info is all empty fields ( one is shown below) . is there a way i can speak to someone on this and get the 3 classic licenses? thank you.
User Name: [merge:username]
Company/Organization: [merge:company_name]
Serial Number: [merge:serial_number]
Authorization Number: [merge:authcode]
Maintenance & support number: [merge:maintenance_number]
Maintenance & support expiration date: [merge:maintenance_expiration]