Users are on a deadline - error was “technical difficulties signing you on”
Who thought this was a good idea?
The user can’t work.
Users are on a deadline - error was “technical difficulties signing you on”
Who thought this was a good idea?
The user can’t work.
Absurd lockout screen. With this complete lack of detail, I’m honestly surprised that the Sketchup devs even included a red lockout message. Why not just silently lock the users out? That would make as much sense as this:
Number two is my favorite, because I just have to guess how long to wait, and if I’m wrong, my lockout is longer??!?! Probably, but who knows?
I’m an IT professional for a business that has users who can’t work now.
The actual number of attempts allowed seems to be ridiculously low, I just typed my password twice and got locked out. Even though it allowed me in after just 5 minutes, like Paul11 said it would be essential to know the exact numbers. Really really dumb feature.
Having identical problem.
Deadline missed - Trimble get this sorted please - Having custody of products like yours that the world relies upon is a stakeholder responsibility that needs to be taken seriously. Failing to do so you is another nail in the coffin people’s livelihoods and the failure of businesses.
We know Trimble as a company have a desire toward excellence, but these issues have the need the following ironed out:
— They get left for too long - invest in better over-management of the software teams managers. People who know how to prioritise for real world conditions, not with under-informed nerd world logic.
— Promote within the company fabric Trimble’s sense of responsibility as a stakeholder in the many hundreds of thousands of lives, businesses and institutions that you affect on a daily basis.
With scant expectation, I hope this will be read and handled by one of the world-view minds that I know are present at Trimble.
What in the world kind of nonsense is this?! I just hit the same wall, two attempts (our 2FA phone number goes to an office phone and I had to log in to the back end and let it through a spam filter). Locked out… no idea when it’ll let me back in and I have a customer 30 mins out headed to a meeting to review a proposal I need sketch up for! This is absolutely horrible, license management cant impede the ability to access the tool when it is this critical!!!
Have you filed a support request? This is an user forum and most of us are volunteers not working for Trimble and with no access to Trimble’s systems. @colin might have an insight.
BTW, please don’t double post, it is against the forum guidelines.
The wait time to try again later should be 15 minutes.
However, choosing “Forgot Password?” and going through the password reset process may get you in immediately.
Hello Kyle,
This is not an accruate statement. I tried it and it didn’t work. Something is not working with the latest install which is preventing it from completing the start process. They screen says “you are signed into all things Sketchup.” But the software never registers. Same screen. After several attempts, trying uninstalling, restarting, etc. I am locked out. I changed my password, and it doesn’t unlock. This system needs work.
This may be a bigger issue if the software is not registering.
Please submit a support ticket here -
I submitted a ticket. It is odd because I have been using Sketchup for years. I am just reinstalling because my old PC died. Fortunately, I am not on a deadline. I feel sorry for everyone who is just trying to log on and gets this message. It would be helpful if there was a chat to faster support or an alternative method. I know why the system is in place.