You are using Sketchup Pro on too many machines

It goes a little further, officially, as a person you are not even allowed to have more than one Trimble ID!

But, as we see often, people end up with multiple Trimble ID’s and have issues logging in with the ‘correct’ one already.
(I have created around 30 Trimble ID’s, for fun and testing, personal and company accounts, btw)

If it is prohibited, make it easier to merge Trimble ID’s, I would say…

The entitlement system can only assign one plan per Trimble ID, that’s why you’re always restricted to the ‘signed in on two (with one spare) policy’ and if you try to change the account owner to a Trimble ID that is owner of another plan, you get an error.

I doubt any of the SketchUp support team has influence on the ‘Way Trimble transforms the way it works’:grinning: