X-Ray View or other?

Using the Free Sketchup version, I must have accidently used a shortcut that is displaying my design to “X-Ray” mode and am unable to undo this. I’ve tried shortcut keys “K” for Black Edges and setting a shortcut key to toggle X-Ray on/off. Not sure if at this point if my drawing is actually in X-Ray mode?
Appreciate any help.

it’s a style parameter

in the style panel on your right, select your style and click on the edit button (pencil and square)

Capture d’écran 2024-01-03 à 13.54.53

there, look for face styles

Capture d’écran 2024-01-03 à 13.55.03

you’re in the first one, there are other face styles available.

On the pro version there would have been other places to look for it, but as far as I know (since 9 don’t use the web interface), this is the only place for you

There’s no evidence of faces which implies to me that your model is displayed in Wireframe. If I remember correctly, the free version does not allow you to edit the style. Most likely you selected the Wireframe style in the supplied Default styles. Look at the Styles panel. Does it show more than one style thumbnail? If so, choose the suitable style and purge the unused with the Purge button at the bottom.

Or go to the Default styles and select a different one. I’ve circle the Wireframe style in the following screenshot.

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Looking at your screenshot I believe @DaveR is correct about wireframe.
But it’s not widely known that xray can be used in the free version by using the search goat. This allows you to set a shortcut for it too as a toggle on/off.
GIF 4-01-2024 12-20-53 AM

Oh yeah, completely forgot what the free version could or couldn’t do.
Editing the style to leave wireframe is indeed a go solution, not a free one.

Then it’s probably that you picked the official wireframe style indeed. They’re right :slight_smile:

Thanks for the help, this was the trick!

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