Working from home and opening multiple files I am having a problem with the icon not stacking on the tool bar task bar. Is there a way to change this behavior in 2020 SketchUp?
It seems to me this topic has been covered here previously. I’ll see if I can find the thread.
The culprit in that case was Vray Next. Are you using that? If so, check to see if they have an update or disable it temporarily and see if the problem abates.
Yes I am using V Ray Next,
I was happy they solved some other problems like the outliner being open in sketchUp and long save times in this version. But this is a new problem, I’ll send this problem to them.
Thanks for your help
say safe
… its not a big problem, its just annoying…
Did disabling Vray Next make the problem go away for you?
It’s a Windows Taskbar setting.
No @colin as has been discussed here and elsewhere it is Vray. It overrides those windows setting.
Did not try it,
I’m using my home version of SKU to do my office work. Other then the minimal set up to work on the office stuff from home i don’t want change my home setup. V Ray has been really good at fixing whats broken so I can wait and see if they will fix this.