Wonkiness between copying one file and pasting it into another. (SU 23)

I’m having an issue where I imported surveyors notes in a dwg file. instead of importing it directly into the file where I need it, I started a new file and imported them there for clean up. I got rid of all un needed tags, organized the ones that were left (partly with a few tag folders) and colored edges by material via the tags for better visibility in the new file I want to paste them into. The whole thing is one big group and then there are nested groups and components with in it. There are groups and components in it that do not show up in the components window or outliner (stumped by this, as well as by the groups /components that do show up in the window being un-locatable in the model). when I copy the cleaned up file (with the goofy group/component issue) and then paste it into the file where I actually need it I don’t see any of the pasted model and the tags are all shuffled up in the tag window…

the clean up file (tags cleaned up, groups and components still acting goofy)


amended surveyors notes.skp

Google Drive file.

the file I want to import into ultimately (where pasted model doesn’t show up and tags are unorganized.


survey hybrid.skp

Google Drive file.

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