Win10 Icon for Backup

Is there a way to change the SU icon for Backups?

Backup files are of course execuable and they have to be in the same folder as the working file. But all icons look the same and I happend to hit the wrong file to continue work.

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My .skb files don’t display the SketchUp icon. You probably opened them and then become associated with SU (or I might have done what I say below).

Right click on a .skb file and then click “Open With”. Deselect "Always use this app to open… "

You can check now if refreshing the window that contains the files (f5 or close and reopen it) has already changed the icon. But most probably you’´ll need to do this further step: after unselecting “Always use this app…”, click on “More apps” and select a different app to open the file. It doesn’t matter that it can’t read the .skb file, but better use a simple one like the Notepad, that will open it with a lot of strange text. Don’t change anything of that text.; just close the doc.

If the icon still hasn’t changed, open it again with the Notepad, but leave the “Always use this app…” checked… At least it will became associated with this app, which will be easily differentiated. You can close and reopen it again deselecting “Always use this app…”…


That’s it, thank you so much.

REG file in attached ZIP archive unregisters the .SKB file extension from auto-opening with associated SU version if SKB file is double-clicked.

Unzip the REG file to e.g. the Windows desktop and double-click. A restart of the Windows Explorer resp. Windows is required for taking the changes into effect. (339 Bytes)

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