Why is the 2023 version only showing a quarter of the screen?

I keep uninstalling and reinstalling the program, but when I open the skp file, it looks like this
I only get a quarter of the screen like this.
I’m really wondering how to fix this. This didn’t happen in version 2022, but in version 2022, when I opened a file, it didn’t open immediately (a welcome window popped up, and if I dismissed it, the file only opened on a new canvas).
This is driving me crazy.

Does this happen to every model or only on this specific one?

The same error occurs on all models.(2023ver) It’s a real pain…The file not opening right away in version 2022 was fixed by reinstalling with all language packs except English.

It’s a scaling issue with windows, especially if you have multiple screens

see this thread

I have the same issue with editing pane not sizing correctly. I am running a single screen. Changing the Windows scale resizes Sketchup correctly all except for the editing pane, which does not respond to scaling changes. I have been using Sketchup 2022 in my current configuration with no issue, but Sketchup 2023 doesn’t work correctly. Has anyone had any success in fixing this issue in Sketchup 2023? I have tried switching graphics cards, verifying there are no old monitor settings still lingering in the display settings, deleting all SketchUp-related files on the computer, and performing several clean installs with no luck.