Problem with my sketchup screen

how can i fix this problem , it was working well until yersteday.

yes, this was a problem of scaling I believe back with the early 2023 version. something like scaling windows up to 150% or something like that

pretty sure it got fixed with one of the subsequent updates. And looking at the icons, I can tell you don’t have the last updates.

If you want to know more, use the search tool top right of the forum and sarch for 25% (I remember finding the main topic like that a few month back)
Anyways, it’s fixed now.

Is it problem that I am using 2 monitors?

try having the same scaling on both computers.

for some it appeared above 100%, others 150%, but it’s very inconsistent, it only hit a few people.

updating to the latest SU 23.1 version should help, as they fixed a lot of visual issues.

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No, it’s the scaling, there are two ways to fix it, one is updating to the latest release of sketchup, go to the help menu and search for updates. The other one is going to windows screen settings and change it to 100%.

i did the last update of sketchup, i change the screen setting but the problem is the same.