Why can't I add textures to an object or add 3D objects?

I’ve tried now on a mac and a windows computer and neither are working for me. Every time I select a texture and add it to an object it just changes colour and not texture. Also I can’t add any 3D text or any 3D objects? does anyone know what I’m doing wrong?


Perhaps your model is so extremely out of scale that text and imported objects and texture can’t be seen.

Edit: spelling

Sorry I’m really new to this as I’m using it for a university project. What does out of sale mean? How would I solve the problem?

Sorry, meant to write out of scale.

Oh haha. How would I change it?

You can resize a model with tape measure tool. Google for the details in how its used.

Invest <4 minutes to learn about the scaling function of the Tape Measure tool.


Might also be the face Style is set to Colors only be Colors and Textures.

Personal opinion, easiest way to play with face styles on a Mac is to customize the toolbar (right click on the top toolbar, in the gray area, and choose customize). Then drag the face styles buttons into the toolbar. Then click Done (near the bottom of the screen). Now you can toggle between the different face styles whenever.

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