Challenges importing textures into Mac

Hello -

I’m building a 2D model in Sketchup on my Mac and would like to bring in a wider selection of textures and materials for my work as an interior designer. I have imported a tile pattern out of 3D Warehouse and used the paint bucket tool to cover a surface with it but it is showing up as a grid which I’m unable to edit (see screen shot). I also cropped it down so it would populate similarly to the patterns already available and that didn’t work either.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated and also - if there are any extensions that include a wide selection of pre-loaded textures and surfaces that folks have had success with when using a Mac, I would love to hear about them!

Thanks so much!

Please share the .skp file so we can see exactly what you’ve got. How did you import the texture from the 3D Warehouse?

Thank you for the quick reply!

Here’s the file:

Component_14~.skp (65.8 KB)

I created a unique folder in Materials and downloaded it there. When I tried downloading it directly into the model, it wasn’t as malleable as the materials that will just cover a surface w/o me having to manipulate them.

Thanks so much.

That is the backup file - note the ~ in the name.

When I opened your file (the backup as @bmike indicated) I see this:

That’s not a texture. It’s an array of a bunch of components. Based on what I see here and your screenshot in your first post, it looks like you’ve exported a raster image of this model to use as a texture in your project. That’s not the way to create what you actually want for a texture. If you want to use this pattern to create a texture, first set the Camera to Parallel Projection and the standard Top view. Then hit Zoom Extents so you have this.

From there, export an image, crop it appropropriately and import that image into SketchUp as a material.

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Thank you both @daveR and @bmike - I did try to crop this file down but not in the manner as recommended. I will try this now.

Thank you so much!!

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You’re welcome. FWIW, you could get by with many fewer tiles. A simple square of them should be adequate. Even one large tile and four small ones at the corners should work.

Here I reduced the tile model as I described. The components are shown selected on the left. exporting the image and cropping it to size, I’ve imported the image into SketchUp as a texture and applied it to the face on the right.

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It worked - I’m all set! Thank you so much.

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