I’m trying to import a .skm texture file into Sketchup (Mac version) and having difficulty.
When in the texture/fill window, I right click and select New Texture and try to upload from textures that I’ve downloaded (.skm) these happen to be stone and brick textures from techo-bloc (https://www.techo-bloc.com/resources/designers-toolbox/).
When I open the file to upload the texture into Sketchup the .skm files are greyed out and unavailable to open.
Can someone help me understand what’s going on here?
I just updated my Sketchup to the latest 2017 version.
Alas, this is one of the ways the Materials Window on Mac is deficient. It can create a new texture from an image, but it can’t import or install an existing skm file! So far as I know (and if another Mac expert knows better, please correct me!) here’s what you have to do to install materials manually:
Before starting, one must realize that the Materials system on Mac does not understand hierarchical folders of materials. It wants all custom “lists” of materials to be single-level folders within your Materials folder. So you will need to flatten out the hierarchical folders from the Techo-Bloc folks after unzipping their SketchUpTextures.zip file.
In the Materials Window (opened via Window->Materials but confusingly labeled “Colors” in its top stripe), midway down the window there is a selector labelled “List”. Choose “New” from this list. In the dialog that pops up, choose a name for your new list (aka collection). For example, use one of the leaf folder names in the Techo-Bloc hierarchy.
Using Finder, navigate to your Materials folder. Unless you have customized the Files preference, the Materials folder is at
Note that this is your personal ~/Library folder within your home folder, not the system’s /LIbrary folder. Finder hides your personal Library by default, so unless you have previously unhidden it you will need to use Finder’s Go->Go To Folder menu to open your Library.
In your Materials folder you should see a subfolder with the name you entered in step 1. Copy the desired materials .skm files into that subfolder.
Repeat these steps for any additional lists you want to create.
Restart SketchUp (it will not notice the new Materials until you do this). The selector at the top of the Materials window should now show an item for each of the lists you created.
Is there some sort of official wiki or documentation for this Mac-specific behavior?
At first , I thought this not ‘live-updating’ had something to do with my Macbook OS, then I figured, it might has something to do with my own OS , for it was driving me £$¥%!