I’m new to sketch-up and it happened that my floor got now a white triangle and I cannot use the feature “push/pull”.
I feel like I probably deleted a small line in the wall or somewhere else but I cannot fix the issue.
Anyone can help me please?
Push/Pull only works on a single face. The floor in your model is broken up into a bunch of smaller faces. This probably occurred due to moving some geometry in the model. You can see those smaller faces if you turn on Hidden Geometry.
The walls are also screwed up and divided into lots of small triangles.
In addition to that, you are using tags incorrectly and you aren’t creating groups or components of the geometry you are adding.
The easiest fix in this case would be to start over with the floor and walls. Draw the floor outline, extrude it to thickness and make a group of that. Then draw the floor plan and extrude it to height. Ignore windows and doos until the walls are 3D. Then draw those opening in. Don’t forget to make a group of the walls before moving on to adding furniture, cabinets, etc.
Fixing the incorrect tag usage.
ALL edges and faces should be created and remain untagged. Only groups and components should be given tags.
Purge unused components and materials periodically. Don’t hoard stuff.
I guess since you are using the free web version this is a hobby thing for you. Hoppies should be fun. Learn how to use SketchUp correctly to keep it fun. Start at learn.sketchup.com
Ristorante purged .skp (15.6 MB)
Thank you so much Dave for the help.
I actually recently started a Interior Design course and I’m still wondering if it worth investing in the Pro version.
I think you would find it worthwhile. I expect it won’t be too long in the course before you will be expected to turn in documents based on the 3D model and LayOut will be the way to go. You check into the Educational license. Start with SketchUp.com.