Which hosts/IPs to allow through Proxy for license authorization/activation

Here is something from the help article. If you follow these steps you can get SketchUp to check your Intranet as a way to see if you are online:

  1. Open a File Explorer window.
  2. Copy and paste this text into the path field in the File Explorer window (replace 20## with your SketchUp version number):

%LocalAppData%\SketchUp\SketchUp 20##\SketchUp\

  1. Open the PrivatePreferences.json file with Notepad.

  2. Locate the line which looks like this:
    "OnlineTestURL": "",

  3. Change the " " value to a URL that you can reliably contact without any kind of redirect or Proxy interference. This could even be your company’s Intranet site. For example:
    "OnlineTestURL": "http://intranet.mycompany.com",

  4. Save the PrivatePreferences.json file.

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