When we have two 3D objects. How do we make them snap? Why do they not snap by default?

When we have two 3D objects. How do we make them snap? Why do they not snap by default???

You need to give more detail. Share an example. skp.

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Read this about the ‘Snap Tool’ - https://help.sketchup.com/en/sketchup/snaps
Snaps are a newish feature and therefore would likely break a lot of existing workflows/models if they were introduced as default functionality.

Edit: Tyson did a great YT Live Stream showing off how they work as well.

Just draw two Cubes. If I bring them close together they should snap, along a surface? Right?

If you grab one cube by a corner you can snap it to the corner of the other cube. There is no collision detection in SketchUp, though. Or use add Snaps as Eric linked to.


Wrong. But if you have remembered to add snap objects in each, they would snap together.

@DaveR and @Anssi are both right. It could just be the terminology that you’re using that is muddying the answer. SU 'sdefault behavior allows ‘snapping’ or connecting objects together using the move tool. It’s not automatic though. You have to ‘grab’ an object , again using the Move tool…by an end or midpoint (depending on where you want to place it)…then you can ‘connect’ it to the other object’s end or midpoint.

The word ‘Snap’ in SketchUp is only used for the new ‘Snap Tool’ - which allows for automatic snapping, like if you had magnets inside your object.

Just to add to what the others have said, people often make the mistake early on of thinking they should click and drag one cube to the other, and just grab it on a face and drag.
You can see here what happens when you click and drag on a face, it will actually snap an edge to the point you have grabbed, or just move about seemingly randomly.
So as the others have said, grab things by a specific point, and most importantly, click and release on that point and the object will be attached to your cursor making it easier to move it and orbit or pan to the place you want to drop it. Click and release again to drop it in place.
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