When I rename skb to skp nothing happens

Iam working on a project that i want to go back to a point but when I try to rename the skb to skp nothing happens, the icon stills blank and doesnt transform in the skp file.

Please somebody helps, its veeeery important to me.
Thank you

Have you tried opening the file after renaming it?

What version of SketchUp are you using? Please complete your profile.

Your Windows File-Options must be set to display the file-type extension, otherwise you’ll just change the file’s name, BUT its file-type will be unchanged…
For example…
If the file-types are not shown…
Your model MyModel shows as a SketchUp [.SKP] file.
Its backup-file is also called MyModel and shows as a SketchUp [.SKB] file.
The displayed names are the same !
Rename the MyModel SKB as MyModel.skp. and it will leave it as a SKB file !!
Its actual name is now MyModel.skp.skb !!!

So set the File-Options to show the file-type and ensure that you change it at the very end of the whole-name…
Note:- in Win10 it is accessible in a Windows Explorer dialog > View > File Name Extensions [check-box]
You will be warned about changing the .SKB to .SKP… but do it anyway…

Thank you very much sir!!!

It’s worth noting that you can open .skb from within sketchup, therefore not needing to change the file extension.

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I hadn’t tried that, it does work, but you would need to switch from SKP to All Files, for the SKB to be listed.

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I’m sure that used to be in the help files as the correct way to to access a backup file.

Hi Colin, i have a file i have been working on for several days and near finished, i save all work to an external hard drive however it hasn’t saved (File size is 0), i do have a SKB backup file though, it can be found in the link below:

is there any way of opening it? i cant appear to get it open and error message keeps appearing saying invalid file… help!! there’s a lot of hours work gone into this and would kill me to have to start over again

You can change the extension to .skp, then it should open ok. But, unfortunately even the skb version has problems. I wasn’t able to recover anything useful from the file.

That’s okay Colin, guess i may bite the bullet and start over🙈 appreciate the help!

failed to open project here