Like the title states, I have a conveyor component saved that has multiple components within, attributes, obtions, scaling locks, etc…
I used file, save as, and saved it as Conveyor_v2. Now when I open this file later through the Components->Open or create local collection
it loses everything!
Now I feel like this has happened before, and I’m just missing something stupid. I’ve tried a few options saving different ways or importing, only to work myself in a loop.
Could someone help? Thanks.
When you open a DC file directly, IT’s entities collection becomes the top level model entities collection. The component’s “dynamic_attributes
” dictionary is still there, but attached to the model object proper. The DC extension’s attribute dialog cannot open this attribute dictionary when it is at the model top level. (It’s just the way it was programmed.)
If you wish to access the attribute dictionary like this, use an attribute inspection extension.
I recommend the one by Aerilius (but there are several in the Extension Warehouse.)
To see the component work like a component, you need to insert the modified component from the Component browser like you would any other 3rd party component.
How would I “insert the modified component from the Component browser like you would any other 3rd party component?”
Insert it into a file by using File > Import then change file type to SketchUp Files (*.skp). Choose your file and place it into your file.
Alright, I don’t know how I could miss something so simple.
I open the file itself, it works properly.
Now when I’m import or pull in as a collection, nothing. Same thing happens with File->Import
I am just guessing without seeing the file, but I would assume you have the DC nested in an extra layer of component.
If that is the case, explode it once and try again
I think I had same problem try to double click it, go to component edit mode and there u gonna have your component options it might be nested this way.