Whats happened to my floor?

Hello folks,

I’m a DIY / beginner Sketcher attempting to model out my home. I started with the basics of the house and moved on to building out the basics of the plot/garden. Please excuse how basic this all is!

I’ve moved my house onto the landscape but the floor has gone twitchy. I realised I had it slightly under the plot - fixed that. Then I thought maybe when I moved it I did something, but when I lift it up above the plot the floor seems fine.

I’ve checked YouTube, but I don’t know what the probable causes or terms to search for are and I’m drawing a blank.

What have I done? Please can you help

Thank you :grinning:
House on plot.skp (1.0 MB)

You have two faces occupying the same space. Search zfighting (here, in the forum).

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Thanks @mihai.s will review the learning.

Just a quick explanation/advise:
In your drawing the floor is just an infinitely thin face, but in reality it should also have thickness, like the walls or your landscape.
“Lift it” up by making a “thick” floor and attach by the its bottom face to the landscape top face.