I keep running into this type of display-issue with Sketchup 2025. It happens when I “dig into” a group. It’s not Z-Fighting and it looks REALLY weird, like sometimes as if lines where at angles they clearly aren’t and so on. Happens on multiple models. Some of my windows-users report the same issue. Any advice except for “wait”.
How far from the origin is that part of the model? How large of an area does the model cover?
It’s fairly basic. The screenshots where a few meters of 0,0,0 (where I do most of my modeling). I do have a fairly large area (maybe 50 m) right next to it where I dump some components for further examination but my model (ships in this case) are usually not longer then 15-20 m
Try this to rule out a graphics thing related to model spread. First, do a Zoom Extents to see if there’s anything at a huge distance from the model. If there is, find it and delete it. Delete the stuff in the “dump” and purge the model of unused stuff.
Is there any leader text or dimensions in the model that you can’t see?
If all that fails, share the .skp file so we can see if we get the same results on different hardware.
Ok - I’ll try all this and will report back. Thanks @DaveR
I agree with @DaveR that foremost this looks like large coordinates artifacts. I would also check if the axis has been moved.