I get weirdo views, doing a space 11 feet by 14 feet, keeping the zoom at 85 and camera on perspective, i am getting odd sort of views for scenes where things seem to fall . If i decrease the zoom i get only straight walls and no three wall sort views, the room is mostly filled , sometimes the bed appears too odd, wide, or the dresser stool and mirror as if they are weirdly stretched. What should I do? How to get a good view, scene abd animation . What settings work best?
do you mean filed of view on 85? That’s quite wide. Upload your file here by dropping it into a response window so we can see what’s going on.
O i mean zoom, sketchup has any field of view setting?
Upload your file.
My laptops battery got dead will share when its charged
OK, zoom at 85 got it, yes you can adjust the field of view, could be many things, too far from origin, stuck in parallel projection with the camera far away, bad graphics card, field of view set very small or wide. open a fresh file and see if a fresh file does the same… If we can see the file we can sort out the problem.
file is too large
check this
i wnat to get good views for the decoarted room
You have to allow access to your file.
Ok i did
You have altered the ‘field of view’ which is causing your visual issues.
I was able to zoom out to see the whole model. I don’t see anything wrong with the zoom factor. The camera is in perspective.
I moved the ceiling up over the room and everything looks normal.
You have some faces that show as blue/black. These should be reversed.
Your file is about 180 Megs which is a lot. You have probably used components imported from the 3D Warehouse.
When I import such components, I try to find the smallest ones. If not possible, I import them in a separate SU model and try to simplify them as much as possible before insertion in my main model.
How to change it?
Yes everything is normal, but views are not coming good, if i say take a view say standing opposite the bed wall, the bed looks so weirdly wide from the front. If i take say dresser wall curtain wall plus the bed wall, the mirror and dresser stool seem to be falling. That’s the issue.
I know file size has gotten large, but this should have nothing to do with scenes and views, i want some good perspective views of the room.
Camera is perspective. How to adjust field of veie
Ok from google i got it now. Its the zoom I am already talking about. If i set it at 85, i can see three wall in perspective but this furniture stretch issue.
If i set the field of view (Z zoom) lower like 35 which is default i think i can usually see just one wall at the time
Can some take a good view for me, that shows most parts of room
That is how field of view / wide angle lenses work, even on ‘real’ cameras…
For interiors like this great room I usually use 55 or 65 when setting up perspective views. 85 if it is really small.
For exteriors, etc. I usually use 35-55.
Essentially; if you set the FOV wide enough to see all three walls of your small room the image will be distorted, this is called a fish eye lens in photography. You might try hiding one wall so you can place the camera outside the room and see in from farther away.
I get it thanks all
or if you’re a real estate agent.
in sketchup, the FoV is measured in the height of your image. the wider your image, the more deformed it’ll look. but you can crop that during export
SketchUp AoV Ref Table v1,0.pdf (500 KB)
this is a file by @RTCool that I keep at hand.