Vray UI becomes Blurry

Hello there, not a big bug but something i found and i’m just curious i’f im alone to have this.
sometime the vray asset editor UI become blurry, it return sharp when i click on it.
I dunno why but it bugs me a bit.
any idea?

Are you using the latest version of V-Ray? Is your graphics card up to date? Can’t think of anything from SketchUp that would cause this. Also try posting in the Chaos forum as well.

Is your monitor using a bigger scale than 150%?

I’ve seen it do this before when my computer is weighed down doing other things - I assumed it was a performance trick to render the UI at lower resolution

this just started happening for me too. Only thing that changed I can think of is a Windows update, but on rolling back the problem is still happening

I just noticed it is happening in other SketchUp initiated dialogs. for example whilst using the check for updates/download dialog (see screenshot)

Maybe its my graphics card / driver ??

The effect seems to happen when dialog is not getting any attention, and then patch by patch becomes clearer again after mouse over or interaction