Problem using Vray

Hello all ,i’m new to SU but i recently encounter a weird problem.
I,m using SketchUp Pro 2022 with the latest Vray
my Vray start acting strangely after i import a DWG from a client.
First of all i cant render in perspective view only Iso and it does that (see picture).
Anyone encounter this bug and how can i fix this ?

thanks in advance


wow, OK, that is officially weird! I don’t have any explanation but that is extremely odd.

Is the model an astronomical distance from the origin?
Does this happen with only this one model?
CPU/GPU or RTX render engine?
Nvidia driver up to date?


well the dwg i import is huge so it my be far way.
and yeah only with this model, never encounter this before
.CPU/GPU used
and my driver are up to date.

so yeah… im still clueless

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