Can this boost your workflow and cut your rendering time? Though it’s not always straightforward (depending on your rendering engine, machine power, scene config, etc.), one thing is for sure: obscured faces are irrelevant to your process!
Enters ViewSelect (download link): a plugin that analyses your model and hides the fully obscured geometries or replicates the visible ones exclusively, in one click while keeping your scene looking perfect! All in seconds or minutes (depending on model size and complexity). See demo below on a huge model (1.7 Million faces, processed in 3min on a mid-range laptop).
Features: (v1.0.8)
Process: Choice of the process to run based on the current scene’s point of view:
- Copy in New Layer (default): will copy all the visible faces in a new layer.
- Hide Invisible Faces: will hide faces that are fully obscured.
Minimum Opacity: Opacity value of a material that determine if it should be considered as opaque (objects behind it are not visible) or transparent enough (objects behind it are visible). It is the direct equivalent of the alpha value of a material in SketchUp.
- min: 0.01 (fully transparent).
- max (default): 1 (fully opaque).
Precision: Determines how picky the process will be in term of collecting the visible faces. The Exact option will scan the scene pixel by pixel so as to not miss any face. It is consequently slower. The lower precisions will gradually skip pixels, leading to quicker process but higher chances of missing small details.
- Exact: full scene resolution
- Very Good (default): 1/2 scene res.
- Good: 1/3 scene res.
- Fair: 1/4 scene res.
- Low: 1/5 scene res.
Run Button: Triggers the process. Wait a bit for the magic to operate!
How To Use
7 Days trial included (no registration required)
Two licences available: (single seat)
- 30 Days (9 USD)
- Permanent (27 USD)
Kick-off promo: Get 30% on the permanent licence with this code VUER52X0 (limited to the 100 first purchases until March 30 2025, 11.59PM UTC).