Viewport problems

Hey all, I am experiencing an issue with Layout 2023 that is driving me mad!

When working in layout, I will often need to make a minor change to the associated Sketchup model. After making the change to my model I save the changes (without updating any of my scenes or moving the model within sketchup) and then return to Layout. Upon returning to Layout, I am finding that the scenes within my viewports are shifting (right, left, up or down) randomly. It doesn’t happen every time I make a change/save, only sometimes.

Working on Mac with Catalina 10.15.7. I know I am now outside of the “supported” OS’s, need to replace my machine one of these days. Could this be related to an OS compatibility issue?

Anyone having this same issue or have any thoughts on what this could be?

It could be exacerbated by that but there is a bug that was reported some time ago that the LayOut developers have been working on that should solve it, at least on supported operating systems.

Thanks @DaveR.