Layout Viewport / Model Position Bug When Resizing Viewports and Changing Scenes

Have recently decided to take the plunge and start using 2024 Sketchup and layout, assuming that by now the bugs have been ironed out.

I have noticed a critically important problem with layout repositioning models inside viewports after the viewports are resized and the scenes are changed - it centres the model to the viewport, regardless of what camera position you have set in Sketchup. This issue was reported more than 18 months ago yet it seems to still be a major issue. If this has been patched, please let me know, although I have the most recent version of both Sketchup and layout and the bug is still there. Super disappointed!

Have you updated to the latest patch release – 2024.0.2?

Yes. Version is 24.0.594.

Is there a fix for the issue i am experiencing in the patch you are referring to?

The release notes say

Fixed an issue where viewports could shift in select instances when the scene was changed.

I have previously had shifting viewports – I can’t rememeber if it was 2023 or 2024 – but with the latest release I’ve had no shifting viewports… so far.

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Well its very much misbehaving in that regard. Have had to revert back to 2022 just to get a stable working version. Such a shame because i was enjoying the speed improvements.

I can replicate the issue with a brand new 2024 skp and layout file. Can hardly believe its so bad.

Are you able to share a file with the issue?

Its end of the day here, but will upload a skp and layout file tomorrow. Thank you

VIEWPORT_SHIFT_test.layout (288.0 KB)
VIEWPORT_SHIFT_test.skp (270.7 KB)

Here are the files that show this behaviour. These are both freshly made in Sketchup and layout 2024 latest version.

Can’t understand how this is happening


Hi Dave, you did not follow the instructions. Change the scene to scene A instead of B. All you did was resize the viewport down to match the viewport next to it.

Your file is showing viewport shifting on my system.

I actually spoke too soon earlier – I opened a Layout file that I last worked on in July 2024 and one of the viewports shifted when I changed the scene.

Not sure how this has flown under the radar for so long. This is a severe problem that nukes our workflow. As my post originally notes, it was raised as an issue over 18 months ago, yet it is still happening.

Sorry. This is a known issue. The center of the scene is shifted to the center of the viewport when you select the scene.

Known issue? I’ve looked into the known issues for layout and could not find any such thing. As mentioned, this has now been ongoing for over 18 months, which is totally unacceptable as we’ve had an entire version upgrade and a patch release.

For me it’s been intermittent.

Sometimes it won’t happen for a while and then like today it will happen.

It was happening in LO2023, too.

You could argue that intermittent bugs are actually worse.


But if it were more than intermittent I would have difficulty feeding my children.

It’s annoying when it happens but I get round it somehow.

Thing is – like now – I can never remember how…

I’m amazed that any serious professional such as yourself is able to work around this at all. Hats off to you!

Hi @Turnervisual,

I took a look at your sample files attached here and that camera shift is actually working as I would expect it to. The reason for this is that the camera orientation in your two scenes are different - one scene points down one axis and another scene points down a different axis in your SketchUp model.

The only time we keep the offset when switching scenes is if the camera is pointing the same direction and with the same up orientation. The reason for this is that we can’t otherwise know for certain if we should keep the manual adjustments that were made when the viewport was resized and there is no way for you, the user, to tell us to ‘reset’ the offsetting or not.

The real solution to this is for us to start marking the camera as ‘modified’ whenever the viewport bounds are adjusted with preserve scale enabled.

In older versions of LayOut, changing a scene would always reset any overrides to the scene back to default, so it wasn’t possible to keep the viewport resizing intact when changing scenes.


So, you’re saying that this is behaving “as expected” - however this behaviour is totally different from all previous versions (with the possible exception of this bug being found in 2023.

Why was this basic functionality changed? It really makes no sense for it to behave like this in a new version when the old versions all behaved the same way - since inception. Why on earth would the viewport shift when changing to a scene with a different axis, but not if the scene has the same axis? This creates utter chaos when changing scenes and laying out a document!!!

  • DaveR has said this is a known issue. I respect that he is well aware of Sketchup’s current working order.

  • Adam (Sketchup Team Member) is saying this is behaving “as expected”.

Daniel (Sketchup Team Member) is saying that a hotfix for this was released in June, which leads me to believe it is indeed a bug (it does not fix this issue)

So is this a bug or has this viewport behaviour functionality been changed without any mention and everyone needs to get used to it?