Sketchup File Reference Bug

Hi, I’m currently working on a sectional drawing, but when I switch from section view x1 to section view x2, the camera position, which should be the same, shifts in the layout. Does anyone have any suggestions? Usually, in layout 2023, as long as the camera position is the same, the view doesn’t shift.
biasanya di layout 2023, selama posisi kamera sama, makna tidak akan bergeser.

after change the scene

im using sketchup layout 2024

Both cameras are pointing to the front. Could that be why? (Camera → Standard Views)

both cameras pointing to the front because both scenes are from same view section, just different section plane.

but in LayOut, cannot maintain the camera position.

Have you reset the view and scene in layOut?

You manually altered something with the viewport in Layout in both pages:

Reset them both. Theoretically if you have the camera setup the same in sketch up you should be OK then.

If that doesn’t work post the LO file.

Unfortunately resetting the viewport with the Reset button won’t fix this one. You cropped the first viewport off center from the original scene. The scene’s camera center is a little to the left the viewport center. When you change the scene in the copied and pasted viewport, the scene’s camera center is centered in the viewport. This is a thing LO has done for a few versions.

Two fixes come to mind.

  1. Set up the scenes in the model so the camera is centered on the building and then when resizing the first viewport, resize it about its center. Since the camera center is remaining in the viewport center there’ll be no shift.
  2. Set the scale of the first viewport but don’t resize it off center. Copy and paste the viewport for the second one and change the scene. Then resize both of them to suit.

You probably don’t need to drag the viewport edges in so close to the model, either.

i see, since my Model Scene are not in center.
I’ll give it a try.
Thanks DaveR

h, and one more thing: I created a template with various scenes like Plan 1, Plan 2, Section X, Section, and all structural plan setups. So, when I start a new drawing, I just have to link all my tags to my model geometry, then link my model to Layout. It’s much easier and saves time when drafting. However, I created this in SketchUp and LayOut 2023.

When I upgraded to the 2024 version and imported my template, it seems like the center points in 2023 and 2024 are different. All my scenes in LayOut reset to Scene 1.

Is it normal for this to happen with different versions?

to fix this i must recreated All my Layout Template.

Yup, since the 2022 version, I’ve tried to reset scenes in LayOut but nothing happened. So sometimes I need to shake my SketchUp view a bit until the lines show up, then save the SketchUp file and update the reference file in LayOut. But you know, it doesn’t always work.
so, I need to redraw using Scaled drawing in layout.

No, this is not normal. Are the scenes in SketchUp named exactly the same as in the LayOut template?

Yes, the scene name remains the same as in the template, only, What should be in Layout Page 1 uses the Section X1 scene, Page 2 uses Scene Plan 1 and other pages that are each different. Everything changes to Scene 1. On all Pages.
But for the time being, the way to overcome this is to create a new Template in Sketchup 2024. So my old template is no longer used. But some times, it’s happened again.