optimaforever, try this:
- before you start SketchUp disables the internet connection;
- after the SketchUp has been fully opened, reactivate your internet.
Do you notice any difference?
Do you have this extremely cumbersome start about a week, or two?
optimaforever, try this:
Ah, so I have indeed turned off the very thing I need to be keeping on!
Thanks you all.
So you all agree implicitly that SU has become slow to boot and need a management of some sort to reach a fast loading toolset.
I created a minimal, light, regular and full toolset presets with the Sketchucation toolbar and now my lightest setup takes 17s to load. yeah!
EDIT: I don’t really get the difference between ‘plugins’ and ‘extensions’ as some scripts share both categories.
I realized that Thea and Skatter are only visible in ‘extensions’ but desactivating them doesn’t change the loading time of SU so I left them active.
Trimble WebTextures is discontinued, so it makes no sense to load it.
(It used Google Street View which is no longer available to SketchUp.)
Unless you do film and stage design then Trimble Advanced Camera Tools should also be switched off.
If you do not use Trimble Connect for SketchUp you can switch that off as well.
Trimble Sandbox Tools might be loaded on demand if you work with terrain meshes only on occasion.
Likely it is best to keep Dynamic Components always loaded.
(Just update any of these Trimble “distribution extensions” whenever they want to update regardless of whether you have then switched on or off.)
If you do not run licensed extensions then this specifically is not the exact issue. It may be the “signing” checks that are slowing down startup. You can compare load times if you change the Extension Load Policy to “Unrestricted” and SketchUp should not do the hash checking of many of every extension’s files. (This has just got to eat unnecessary time.)
For the purpose of the SketchUcation manager, “plugin” means “standalone ruby script” (that is historically just dropped into the “Plugins” directory;) “extension” means a set of files (most in an extension sub-directory) that adheres to a special format and is usually distributed in a RBZ (zip) archive that can be automatically installed.
No I’m afraid I don’t agree, I’ll admit that the more plugins the slower it is, but my 2018 pro opens in 16 seconds with 63 plugins loading and 2017 pro opens in 40 seconds with about 80 plugins.
I’m not sure what combination of plugins or setting slow things down but I’ve been lucky so far.
I also don’t agree with that statement at all.
Ah ok…
I was beginning to despair…
Now I know that I have indeed a problem but I can’t define where it lies.
Hence my wish for a boot log to see where it is.
I always had a fast loading SU even with 120 plugins but these months it’s been really become too slow.
@Box Do you mean 2018 is faster to boot than 2017?
I’m pretty sure 16 seconds is quicker than 40 seconds.
Well… indeed. I installed all the plugins I need in SU 2018 and it takes 12 sec.
Why does it take 5 min in 2017 ?!?
Seems like a Windows 10 issue… a temp caching or something like that…
Yes 5 mins seems like its a computer problem. The only reason I have the majority of mine disabled is that I want a 0 second delay as I am impatient!
So, I give you a chocolate and tell you you can eat it, but if you don’t eat it for 10 minutes I will give you a second one, you never get the second one do you!
Thanks for your insight.
I only don’t seem to be able to update Trimble Connect though. Dunno what’s for. I don’t use it (or perhaps I do but don’t know when and for what purposes)…
Yes, I wanted to try this path but now I’ve realized all the plugins I needed are compliant with SU 2018, and its loading time is under 15 seconds, so I’ll keep using it until I get the slowdown issue, hoping this will never happen, of course. Thanks for your kind advises.
Download and install it directly from the Extension Warehouse using the install extension button in the Extension manager.
Ok, this worked indeed. thanks @Box
Yes, users have been having issues with TC update lately. (Box showed the workaround.)
It is a cloud collaboration and file sharing / storage / synchronization platform.
(If you ever use the Free or Shop web editions, then your models are saved to your Trimble Connect account by default. You can however, manually download them to your local machine at anytime.)
Ok, thanks for the info.
Understood. That is made for big teams and big projects.
It seems they released a version that has problems updating, the fix is in the updated version but the catch 22 is that you need to manually install the fixed version.
You should be able to disable it in the extension manager and not be bothered by it again, unless you decide to use it.
Not necessarily. Trimble Connect is a handy place to put SketchUp and LayOut files so that you can easily access them from multiple computers. I’m the only one working on my files but I use TC so I can access the files from my Desktop machine, my notebook or from other computers when I want.
Ok thanks.