If you open the Ruby Console in SketchUp and enter the following snippet, what appear in the console? (Allow for a minute or two.)
@request1 = Sketchup::Http::Request.new("https://evilsoftwareempire.com/", Sketchup::Http::GET)
@request1.start do |request, response|
puts "code1: #{response.status_code}"
@request2 = Sketchup::Http::Request.new("https://google.com/", Sketchup::Http::GET)
@request2.start do |request, response|
puts "code2: #{response.status_code}"
If you are on Windows, can you open a Command Prompt (Win+R, then type cmd) and enter: tracert evilsoftwareempire.com. Can you privately send me the results of that?
If you are on macOS, and you open a Terminal window and type in: traceroute evilsoftwareempire.com Can you privately send me the results of that?
Is there an active firewall on your machine or network? Are you able to try with it temporarily disabled?
Also, does your computer have all the updates? A user came back to me and had figured out what some security certificates was out of date on his computer. After updating things was working fine again.
Hi, I had the same issue on Windows 7, Sketchup make 2017.
With the kind help of thomthom it turned out that the solution was to download and install the “ISRG Root X1” certificate from Let’s Encrypt.
You can find it here: https://letsencrypt.org/certs/isrgrootx1.der
Right click on it, click “install certificate”.
Then set the install location to: “Trusted Root Certification Authorities”
If you have that issue, hope it works for you too : ).
I have the same problem and I couldn’t resolve it on my PC. How can I allow Firefox to connect with evilsoftware? I did it on my laptop, but the PC and the horrible windows 11+Firefox don’t allow the connection.