Shouldn’t we be knee deep in an update by now?
Maybe, maybe not.
Trimble has never announced a target date or discussed progress prior to release of any version. So, though this is the time of year when the next version has historically been underway, there is no way to tell when it may come out.
We’re not going to say when the next update is coming out until the day that it comes out. Looking at the last few major updates, things are more varied than they were several years ago:
2021: Nov 19th (I think the 19th anyway)
2020: Jan 29th
2019: Feb 5th
So average release schedule of past 3 years = 11 months
Currently we are at 13 months…so i guess it’s fair to ask.
I’d much rather it be ready & working great than rushed to meet a release deadline. Though hopefully there is now some fix for the process of migrating of settings/extensions/templates/etc.
It does take time to set up staff with new installs, test and train…so would be good to know approx when it’s coming
The process of migrating templates, components, and materials can be straightfoward. Usually takes me less than a minute. If users were AR about keeping their extensions up to date, migrating most of them likely wouldn’t be a problem. History shows us that many users don’t do that, though. Some extensions can only be installed by going through the proper installation process , too. Migrating to a new version of Sketchup is a good time to do some house cleaning and get rid of the unneeded stuff.
Yeah but I’m hungry for new features. Take your time but gimme something good.
fair to ask, but you ain’t likely to get an answer