Unexpected file format help!

As with last time, your file recovered fully:


Perhaps Trimble could consider an enhancement to SketchUp that performs whatever recovery process you are able to use, @colin ? (E.g., when SketchUp detects that an SKP file cannot be opened, SketchUp asks the user if they want to try running a recovery procedure on the file - the results of which would be saved to a new SKP file.)

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Hi @colin ,
Can you help me to recover this file? I’ve tried to copied this file to somewhere else but couldn’t open it at all. Appreciate it if you help me with this.

Thank you.


What version of SketchUp are you using? What operating system? What graphics card? Please correct your profile as that information helps us help you.

I did update it.
Pro 2019

Windows 10 Pro 64-bit (10.0, Build 18363)

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti, Integrated RAMDAC, 12104 MB, 1920x1080 (32-bit)(60Hz)

You will see nothing in the scene, but the file size is almost the same as the original file. Which means I hope that you have some components in the model that include most of the geometry, and you could rebuild the scene using the components that are in the recovered file:


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Thanks a lot!

Hi There

I have just started getting the dreaded - unexpected file format - message when trying to open a model.

Have tried re-naming the skb. to skp. but same message appears.

Anyone know how i can try fix this as it contains hours of work!

and my file is to much big so how to upload

Thanks in advance

If you’ve read through this thread you’ve seen that sharing the file so @colin can take a look at it is generally the fix. If it’s too large to upload directly, upload it to Drop Box or WE Transfer and share the link.

where Drop box ?

how share file in dropbx?

Set up an account with DropBox, upload your file there, and share the link to it here so Colin can get your file. Follow the directions on the Drop Box site.

@colin, estou com o mesmo problema vocĂȘ consegue verificar para mim se o arquivo se recupera?

Yes, put the file online and give me the link.

@colin i have same issue, pls help me recover my file too
 pls? here is my file link

You won’t see anything in the scene, but the materials, layers, styles, and components are recovered. You will need to rebuild the scene from the components.


it seems i have to redo again my model
 may i know what causes this? thank you sir @colin

I don’t know how and where you save your models, but the most usual reason seems to be write errors caused by saving files over the Internet, for instance to a cloud folder like Dropbox or Google Drive. It is always safer to save locally and use the cloud only for backup.