Hi everyone,
Can anyone please help me recover my file because everytime I attempt to open it it says “Unexpected File Format”. Can anyone please help. Even the backup file have the same error.
If you share the file here, someone from Trimble may be able to take a look at it. The bad news is that it is not generally possible to recover a file once this error has arisen. Most often this kind of error results from saving files to a remote server or a cloud service. The way these services manage content seems to somehow interfere with SketchUp saving files.
Here is a link to my google drive because the file is about 92megs
Are you saving your files directly to your Google drive or some other non-local storage? If so, it’s likely that your file has become irreparably corrupted. It is recommended that you save directly to a local drive and only send a copy to your cloud storage so you have the local copy as a back up.
No I’m saving it to our server here at the office, I uploaded it to google drive because the file is too large to upload here in the forum. Where do I go to ask a SketchUp engineer to try recover the file?
Kind of the same thing. The recommended procedure is to save it on a local (in your computer) drive and only save a copy to another location.
Where do I go to ask a SketchUp engineer to try recover the file?
You can open a ticket with Technical Support if you’ve kept your Maintenance and Support up to date. As Steve indicated, it’s generally not possible to recover a file. Once in awhile they have success.
Have you checked to see if you have a .SKB file that should save if you have backups enabled? Not a solution to your original ask but may help you while you wait or in the event the file is not-recoverable.
Edit - I see you posted backup has the same problem
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