Unexpected file format after Sketchup crashed

After the Sketchup app crash, the file I was working on was not opening showing Unexpected file format. Please help as the file is badly needed.

We might be able to help you if you share the file. Without it we absolutely cannot help you.

Share the .skb file as well as the .skp file.

Where were you saving the file as you were working on it?

This is both the skp and skb file

I was able to open the .skp file. I’ll check it out and share the fixed file shortly.

thank you please. I will wait for it

Standard cleanup procedure:

Fixed incorrect tag usage.
Screenshot - 1_12_2024 , 8_33_45 AM
Purged the unused components and materials. Don’t hoard stuff you don’t need.
Screenshot - 1_12_2024 , 8_36_59 AM
Cleanup of unneeded edges and faces.
Screenshot - 1_12_2024 , 8_40_39 AM

File size is reduced by 81% after cleaning it up. You should get in the habit of keeping your models clean as you go. The file is saved with the Face Style set to Monochrome to ease the load on your graphics card and so you can see the incorrectly oriented faces. There should be no exposed back faces (shown in blue). It’s especially important to correct them if you intend to use a rendering application with the model For entourage you collect from the Warehouse or other sources you should first open it in a separate SketchUp file so you can check it, clean it up, and make it suitable before adding it to your project. Or reject it and look for something else.

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Thank you so much for the swift reply and help - its saved me so much time

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