Unable to Download STL plugin

I was able to successfully install today.

  1. In Windows 10, right-click on SketchUp icon and choose ‘Run as Administrator’. (Note that it doesn’t matter that I was already logged in as one.)
  2. In SketchUp, go to Window->Extension Warehouse.
  3. Choose the STL extension, then click on Download.

It made me login, then accept T&C, click Download or Install a couple more times and finally gave a warning, but after ALL THAT, the File->Export STL menu option is there and working now.


@Barry I am using sketchUp pro 8 and I already download the stl extension and when I go to sketchUp to manually download the .rbz file like what the instruction says, so I go to windows-preferences- and select extension, on the extension pane it doesnt show any “Install Extension” option. So how can I install this extension file? Thanks

@v2giancdoria, the “Install Extension” button was added in SketchUp 8 MR1, so you must have only the original release. (There were 5 maintenance releases since then.)

See: SketchUp Help: Installing extensions manually in SketchUp

This image is from SketchUp (8MR5) v 8.0.16846:

Working perfectly now!
Thanks sketchup team!

We’ve finally been able to reproduce failure to login 3DW and EW on Windows SketchUp only, and with an intern who’s University has a login shim that pops up immediately after the Google OAuth login page that makes him login to his University account as well. The lower left login/logout is his only option, so hopefully we’ll be able to fix this with a case we can reproduce in house.