Turning off "Preserve Scale on Resize" should keep view of the model and scale

If we setup a viewport and tick the “Preserve scale on resize” box, current view of the model and scale are preserved.

If we setup a preset scale, the “Preserve scale on resize” box get’s active by default wich is good. If we untick the box, current view and scale of the model are preserved and we can scale the model and viewport as if they are connected.

However, if we setup a preset scale, or if we tick the “Preserve scale on resize box”, and then adjust the framing of the model, as soon as we untick the box we loose model position on the viewport and even scale.

They should be kept.

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I have wasted a great deal of time with the “Preserve Scale on Resize”. No matter how it is set, it seems to have a mind of its own and keeps shrinking the scene in the viewport. What am I not understanding about this setting?

Share your LO file so we can see what you’ve got going on.

What version of SketchUp, what operating system? What graphics card? “Architecture” isn’t a graphics card.

Dave, thanks for your help. As requested, I tried to upload one of the drawings that I was having the problem with, but I kept getting warnings that it was too big to send. I am suspicious that I am not using the command properly, rather than a glitch in the program. The project I am working on now is very large and the response time in Layout is quite slow. I might not be giving it enough time to respond. I have noticed this problem often when I try to copy a window to create another.

This thread is revived after four years. There was a change in 2018, I believe, that dealt with ‘last saved view’. When you save a SketchUp file, the camera position and view is saved.
Sometimes, you end with a scene, save and go back to layout to update the model and it looks as if the viewport has the right scene while it is actually set to ‘last saved view’

A future save in SketchUp with a different endview will definitely screw things up in LayOut, especially when switched to parallel.

If you wanna have control, be sure to set up scenes correctly in SketchUp and refer to those in LayOut.

It won’t hurt to practice some routine while saving a file, when modeling, I tend to hit ‘Cmd S’ when I did something good, but when I close the file, I always try to setup an ‘endview’ and the hit save one more time.
Preview’s, Component Panel and uploads to the 3D Warehouse all rely on that last view. And LayOut

This bug has always driven me insane. When you uncheck “Preserve scale…” the viewport should stay exactly as it is. Instead it spontaneously changes to some other random scale. This makes fine-tuning the proportions and layout of perspective model views nearly impossible without a huge amount of frustration.

It seems like this glitch really ruins the function it would seem its there to protect.


@Mark , I’ve been dealing with this issue for half an hour now trying to figure this out. This is something that should intuitively work.

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I’ve been battling against this for years… I think I made one or more requests for this to change.

I also think that there should be an easy way to change the scale of a viewport while keeping it’s proportions and all associated dimensions. Like you have a 1:200 viewport but you want to change it to 1:50 and the boundaries stretch accordingly to have exactly the same view and proportions but at a different scale. I’ll make a request about that.

Edit: Oops, I was the original poster of this one… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I propose that the whole “preserve scale…” thing could be forgotten. Instead, the viewport grips should have the option of either resizing the frame or scaling the view. In simplest form, corner grips could be turned into scaling grips, and middle grips to resize grips. I think that most page layout applications work like this.


I definetely agree, a modifier key and the grips would suffice. We just need to also keep being able to choose a scale to a viewport and I’d really like to have an alternative way of scaling up our page and contents to new scales like I suggested here:



This would be perfect.

Dave, I would appreciate if you could take a look at my file attached, the problem is when i send it to layout and i try to set the scale it disappears, if i press the reset button it comes back,
Window openings.skp (391.5 KB)

What scale are you selecting? Your model is tiny.

Depending on the scale and the view you selected, it could also be that you are just looking at the outside of the opposite wall.

Best practice is to create a scene for the elevation you want and use that instead of making the changes in the Camera section of the SketchUp Model panel in LayOut. Making those settings in LO can open you up for all sorts of mean and nasty stuff especially if you add dimensions and labels. If you want to create a scaled view you need the Camera set to Parallel Projection and you need a Standard view.

In addition to your perspective view I added a section cut in the SketchUp model.

Then I created an elevation scene. Parallel Projection and Left standard view. I changed the style to my default to get rid of the sky and ground. The green on the right is the inside of the far wall which doesn’t fill because of the way you created the walls.

Then in LayOut select the elevation scene for the viewport and choose the scale. To get your model to appear at a reasonable size on the page I had to create a custom 25:1 scale.

Dave, thank you for your help, I have just checked again and sure enough had made a silly mistake, when i resized the model in Sketchup reading millimetres instead of Cm

Really appreciate you explaining the problem.

Thanks again

I have seen many models where meters have been used instead of millimeters. This seems to be the other way round.

I would really appreciate help with how to cut the angles on a hip rafter.
Should i start a new topic or upload the model here ?

New thread in the SketchUp category.

I can see the category and Sketchup, but cannot find the post new button ?

New Topic button in the upper right corner of the forum page.

Thank you