Trying to download plug-in from plug-in store, but

I am trying to download Tig’s SKM tools from the plug in store, and when I click download, this message appears:
“This file does not have an app associated with it for performing this action. Please install an app or, if one is already installed, create an association in the Default Apps Settings page.”
Not sure how to proceed. Thanks in advance for help!

It sounds like you have Windows set to open downloaded files. You need to turn that off. I expect you have the file saved in your Downloads folder. Now, in Sketchup, go to Window>Extension Manager. Click on Install Extension, navigate to the Downloads folder and select the file. Then click Open. It will install.

Better, go to Sketchucation and download the Sketchucation Plugin Store tool. Install that, as above. Then use it to search for extensions you want from Sketchucation and install them. It will be faster and it’ll help you keep extensions up to date when the authors update them.

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Thank you Dave.

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I’m curious what the logic is here, it happens a lot.
Why do people/ why did you come here with an issue at Sketchucation rather than ask the question there?

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It is also not an issue with, but results from incorrect options in your web-browser on how to deal with downloaded files.
The error will occur with file downloads from any site, until you set up your options properly…

If you have the options set up to ‘open’ RBZ files it will ask for an app, but there isn’t one !
So choose to ‘save’ the RBZ file into your Downloads folder and later on you can use SketchUp’s Extension Manager to Install it.

While you are at it… consider all of the browser’s listed file-types - e.g. you might wish to save a SKP file into Downloads, before choosing which SketchUp version should be used to open it.

(Box:) That’s easy:
This forum has established itself as the go-to place for help on all things sketchup. It has a large readership, knowledgeable and generous contributors and an astonishing lack of rancor.
But to sharpen it a bit: I’ve never gotten this error message before, never had an issue downloading a plug in before, and am unsure whether this is an issue with windows, sketch-u-cation, sketchup, or the plug-in itself. Where do I look first? See above.

Fix your browser options and there will be no more problem…