I’m trying to make an animation of an archimedes puzzle wherein the individual pieces move up in a staggered pattern (so piece 1 moves then a second later piece 2 moves and so on, for all 13 pieces) then the pieces move back into the frame in a different location. I thought using the dynamic component would be the way to go but I’m struggling in making the pieces move up sequentially (using the animatecustom function) let alone relocating them.
steps, counter or any other name is a custom attribute that the children can reference. You can randomize (maybe between limits) or be specific with other positions and rotations.
Just separated to give 50 “steps” to each child, you can use this to move and rotate
This is brilliant thank you!
I mean, I have no idea how “steps” as an attribute results in anything but I’m not gonna worry about it. lol
Next question is, if I want piece 1 to start going back down just as piece 14 reaches it’s highest point what commands/functions/attributes am I using? Would it be a case of reversing the steps counter? So 50,-50?