Trying rotate faces on an axis

I am working on a concept for corrugate packaging and I have drawn my model as a die-line in 2d on the red (top view) axis. I am now trying to “fold” the die-line like it is paper.
I have no trouble with anything that aligns with the red, green or blue axis, but I have some folds that run along different axes

I have tried everything but cannot get the “fold” to happen along the line I want.
any help would be greatly appreciated.

(‘Rotate’ tool)
Select face and bounding edges > select the tool > click and hold down Lmouse button while dragging the cursor along the edge that you wish to be the fold line > release > click start of rotation > click end of roation (and override this angle by typing a desired angle).

thanks!!! that is awesome. works like a charm. I should have reached out 3 hours ago!

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