Trouble with line weights in Layout

Hello All,

I’m new to Sketchup and Layout. I have a model in the works for a home building project that I’m working on. I need to print vertical elevations of each side of the home I have drawn. I have scenes made on my model and saved it. When Layout opens, many of the lines shown are extremely thick and appear broken even if they are straight and drawn on an axis. Furthermore, if I try to add dimension in layout, the dimension do not match the lengths that I drew the lines. Please Help!!! I have uploaded my model, I can take your criticism if it helps me learn this software better or helps me with my group, component, and tag organization, so please don’t hold back!


full 3d model.skp (3.6 MB)

Maybe you could share the LayOut file?

I’m not seeing any broken or extremely thick lines when I send your .skp file to LayOut. When you first insert the viewport it will be rendered as Raster which will tend to make angled lines look jagged. In the SketchUp Model panel you can change Raster to Vector or Hybrid to get cleaner looking vector linework.

By the way, I think you would have been wise to use a texture for your siding and it’s a good idea to purge unused stuff from your models as you work.
Screenshot - 1_14_2021 , 1_45_35 PM

Thanks for the quick reply Dave.

Switching to Vector did solve the broken lines I was getting. Most of the breaks were in the sides of the windows.

As for purging, is there a tools that will help delete unused line and geometry? Or is it just a matter of going thru and deleting it?

Lastly, is there a good way to reflect the build-up of materials to be represented in an architectural detail while using textures for siding? Eventually I was hoping just to take cut-sections as scenes from this model to make the architectural details for a plan set.

Not exactly. You shouldn’t have any ‘unused line and geometry’, because as you draw, you should make each separate physical part of your model into a component, or less usefully, a group.

Components and groups are the ONLY way to keep geometry of different elements apart, and not ‘stick’ to each other.

However, you CAN Purge unused components, materials, and a few other things using the Window/Model info/Statistics [Purge unused] command, and you should use that regularly to remove components that you no longer need.

Groups that are deleted disappear from the model. Components remain stored in the model, and are viewable in the Component Browser even if there are no instances of the component left in your model.

Partricularly if you later import many items such as furniture or other ‘entourage’ from the 3D Warehouse, you may find your model growing unweildy from ones you look at, insert briefly, then discard. And many (if not most) 3D warehouse objects are bloated and over- detailed. Good practice is to download each separately into a new model, review how well they are drawn, whether to a real-life scale, and whether they add unneccessary things to your model like extra tags/layers you will have no need for.

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Purging the stuff I showed is done under Model Info>Statistics. If you want to purge unneeded edges and faces, you could use an extension like CleanUp3 which is available in the Extension Warehouse.