Hello! I have installed Trimble Connect Visualizer as a SketchUp extension. My version is 24.0.554. I have a file open with a model in it. I then select Trimble Connect Visualizer from my Extensions menu. I get a window saying “Exporting 3D Model” but then that’s it - nothing else launches. Perhaps I am doing something wrong, any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much
Also, I am using a Mac.
Did you install the Visualizer extension for Mac. There’s a different one for Windows. Did you shut down and restart SketchUp after installing Visualizer?
How large is your SketchUp model. Perhaps the model needs some cleanup? You could share the model so we can see what we get when we try it with Visualizer.
Please update your forum profile. It says you are using SketchUp 2023.
Are you still using Mac OS 12.6.7?
Hi there Dave R. Thanks for your help here…
Yes, I have shut down and restarted. Howevere, it looks like I might have downloaded the Windows version! Can you help me find the Mac version, please? I am using Ventura 13.6.9
The file size is pretty small by the way
Open the Extension Warehouse UI in SketchUp and search for Visualizer. You should see both of them. You should also remove the other one.
Please cleanup your forum profile. Put in the correct license type, version number, operating system and graphics card. That information can help us help you but only if you put the right information in it.
Thank you for this. I think I was searching “visualiser”, so nothing came up. I will also sort out my profile info. Thanks again, I really appreciate it.
Yes! I am an idiot
Maybe. Maybe not. Which side of the pond are you on?
This seems like one of those things where having “Visualiser” as a keyword would help to prevent confusion.
I am in the UK, so that is some excuse, I guess!
I think that’s it. As I wroe, it wouldn’t hurt if authors could add keywords for spelling differences at least between British and American English. (Two cultures separated by a common language.)
Thanks for updating your profile. FWIW, the operating system should be listed at Ventura 13.6.9 (IOS is not used on Apple computers.) and the graphics card should be something else depending on the machine.
Ah, OK -thank you. I will make those amends.
Can I ask you one more thing re: the Visualizer? I have created section cuts in my model but when it is exported to the visualizer, they aren’t there. Is there a way to add section cuts in the Visualizer? I’ll Googled it but I can only find instruction to do this with Clipping Planes if I am in Trimble Connect - but can’t see a way to do this in the Visualizer. Once again, many thanks.
Visualiszer won’t display section cuts. You could use an extension called Zorro2 to make a “real” cut to the model at the section. If you’re going to do that, though, do it to a copy of your original model.
Here I used Zorro2 to cut the model at the section planes. I also use TIG’s Section Cut Face to create “real” faces at the section cuts so I could also give them materials to match those of the cut objects. This is the view in Visualizer without any modification of the settings.
OK, Dave - thanks for that. I will give it a try.
See my edit, above.
And you’re welcome.
Nice work, by the way!
Thank you!