Transfer Sketch Up Web files to Sketch Up 2023 Pro

How do I transfer my Sketch Up Web Files to my updated Sketch Up Pro version?

The only transferring there might be is to download them to your computer. you can do that by signing in to or you can open the files via File>Trimble Connect in SketchUp.

If you’ve upgraded to Pro please correct your forum profile.

I only see web activity for your email address starting at the end of February. If you only made web version files since then, they are under the same email address as your Pro subscription. You could do what Dave suggested and download your models from Trimble Connect, or you can choose File/Trimble Connect/Open Model… while using the desktop version. Then you can open individual models as you need them, and if you want to work on the files locally you could do a Save As to your local drive.

The problem I’m having is when I try to “save as” the system in the web version only allows me to save back to the Trimble Connect on line files and does not let me save to my computer. I thought that strange.
Please advise, thanks

Also both versions are on the same computer.

Use the download option rather than save as.