I have lost the sandbox toolbar. When I go into ‘view’ and turn it on and off I still cannot find it. Where did it go and how do I solve this?
Did you try to ‘Reset Workspace’ from the settings / preferences?
I have not, would you mind helping me find where to go to ‘settings/preferences’ please?
I did find where reset workspace is and I did reset it. It did not resolve the problem. Under View it still has ‘sandbox’ checked but the toolbar does not show up anywhere where I can see it.
Have you disconnected an external monitor?
No, however I did just hook up to another monitor to have two screens. Do you think that is what did it?
I ended up just uninstalling and reinstalling the sandbox extension.
It’s possible the second monitor is what did it. There have been some growing pains with multiple monitors in the new GUI library.
Dear Steve,
Thank you very much for letting me know. I would hope to keep working with two monitors. Is that just not possible to do with sketch up without any hiccups?
Most of the issues happen when you disconnect a monitor. The app seems to get confused about where windows should appear then
Oh ok, I will make sure to keep that in mind in the future. Thank you so much for your help!
First make sure you’ve installed SketchUp correctly. That requires right clicking on the downloaded installer and selecting Run as administrator. Do that and select Repair when the option is presented. Then, in File Explorer make hidden folders visible. Go to User>AppData>Local>SketchUp>SketchUp 2024/SketchUp and open Private Preferences.json. Use Find to find “Sandbox” and get the BarID. (I don’t believe it’ll be the same on your installation as on mind but it may be.
Search for the BarID. This will show you if the toolbar is visible and where the toolbar should be located.
On mine it’s at X = 0 and Y = 994 so lower on the far left side of the window.
What do you see?
I did go ahead and start over and run as administrator. I went under extensions and re-installed sandbox. At the moment things seem to be running well - I am so grateful for your help Dave thank you!
Good luck. And you’re welcome for what little I did.