Today's iPad Webinar

I signed up for this but never received a link to join. Was it recorded and if so where can I see it?

Me too.

By the way guys, GREAT JOB on the webinar! Knocked it out of the park!


me too

Yeah, I was not able to attend, but wouldn’t mind seeing a recording.

I did hear back from Aaron that an email link will be sent today to anyone who had registered. I’ll let you know when I receive it.

Just wondering how to signup for the webinars.

I had originally seen the invite via an email that was sent to me from SU, but I also saw that one posted on their Facebook page in April.

at least the YT PlayList of SU f. iPad is here.

I get some emails from SU but not about the iPad webinar :man_shrugging:t2:

and here it is.

Thank you! :+1:t2: