I had some Titleblocks created in Layout 2024, I have now updated my Sketchup and Layout to 2025, is there a way to transfer the Titleblock that was created from 2024 to 2025 instead of starting from scratch?
Yes. Either you can go to the LayOut 2024 Templates folder in your Use/AppData/Roaming?SketchUp folder or you can open the templates in LayOut 2024, save them immediately to someplace you can find (the Desktop?) and then open them in LayOut 2025 and immediately save them as templates.
When I save my Layout Template, it saves it as a 2024 and when I try to open up the file in Layout 2025, it says if you save with the current version, the file may be partially incompatible or unable to load in a previous version of Layout.
Yes. That’s normal. It only means that if there’s anything you’ve added to the file that is unique in LayOut 2025 and you open it again in LO2024, those features wouldn’t be there. Shouldn’t even be a factor for just saving your templates for LayOut 2025.
This would be more of a factor in SketchUp where you might have set up PBR textures on a model in SU 2025. If you open the file in SU2024, those PBR textures won’t be displayed because SU2024 doesn’t support them.
Not understanding what is going on here. When I open my model up from Sketchup 2025, I saved it to my computer and Trimble Connect but when I try and update the model on Layout 2025, the changes do not change to the most updated Scenes.
Share the LO file and the SKP file so we can see what you’ve got. There are two common reasons for viewports not updating to match the model. Either LayOut is referencing a different file than you’ve been working on or you’ve overridden the scene properties for the viewports in LayOut. Overriding those properties means LayOut will ignore those properties from the SketchUp file.
Frank Karakas-Vanity and Storage.layout (812.6 KB)
Also share the .skp file.
Frank Karakas- Vanity.skb (378.1 KB)
That’s the backup file. LayOut is looking for .skp not .skb.
Frank Karakas- Vanity.skp (378.2 KB)
What do you see in References in LO?
It should be showing a link to the folder on your computer where you’ve saved the .skp file. From what I can see it isn’t pointing there.
Here I’ve relinked the reference to the copy I downloaded so the path shows where it is located on my machine.
Mine does not say its missing. It says it is located in a C:// etc.
I wouldn’t expect it to say missing on your end. It’s missing on mine because LayOut on my computer can’t see the directory on your computer. What is the rest of the path, though?
I’m not sure what that means
What is between C:// and Frank Karakas- Vanity.skp?
In what folder on your computer is the file you were working saved?
I’m not able to read the whole description. Just see C:/…/Frank Karakas- Vani… and that is all.
A folder I created in My Documents that was labeled Layout Drawings
Well, select the .skp file in References, click the Relink button at the bottom, find the .skp file in your LayOut Drawings folder and go from there.
I’m still not understanding why I am having this issue and why all this is necessary. All I had to do before was Update Model Reference. I saved the new Sketchup File and moved it to the New Layout File but does not update the model after using Update Model Reference.
What does that mean ‘moved it to the new Layout file…’