Texture like a crayon

Hi there,

i would like to create texture like a painting with a crayon. Similiar to the pic unter


Whats the best way to create such a texture ?

Thanks for help


I’ve played with similar ideas and came to the conclusion the best way is to do it in post-processing. I think it would quickly become unmanageable to try to create all the textures required. For one or two it wouldn’t be bad. You could scan hand colored pieces of paper or make something similar in an image editor to import. For a lot of faces you would spend an awful lot of time to get it looking right.

Hi Dave,

thanks for your answer. I think also, thats the the best way.

What i have figured out t get a little bit structure in the color is tp mix
for example transculent glas with a color:



Freundliche Grüße
Dipl. Ing. (FH) Christian Helbich

Holunderweg 12
49751 Sögel

That looks good.

You might have a look at a program called Fotosketcher and give that a try. It can apply a number of different effects to an image you export from SketchUp. When I use it I export an image of the textures only with edges turned off. That one goes through Fotosketcher. Then I export a hidden line image with no textures. That gets combined with the results from Fotosketcher. Here’s a quickie example. I combined one of my ink styles with the results from Fotosketcher using one of the watercolor presets. I could have spent more time on it but need to go to work.

OKeeffe A

Take a look at this links :

Hi Dave,

thanks a lot for this tipp !!


Freundliche Grüße
Dipl. Ing. (FH) Christian Helbich

Holunderweg 12
49751 Sögel

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Thanks a lot. I will try this.


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